In Loving Memory...

David was unexpectedly diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away three weeks after diagnosis. I felt fortunate to have spent many a family dinner with him over the years. David was a lively, intelligent, gentle man of study and humor.
In the first sermon of David's that I attended, he used Star Trek to illustrate his point. I was like "This is awesome!", and he was like "I'm a great secular Pastor!" Because that's how David rolled. It was all about getting through to people.
David loved life with the joy of a child. He thrived on friendly philosophical and political discussion. David loved God, music, cars, movies, golf, the beach, technology, and his dog Buster.
We were fortunate to have time to say goodbye to David and I have never laughed so hard as we did visiting him at the hospital. He just really loved to laugh. His grace in facing his situation was was inspiring. I miss him dearly.
Part of David's love for technology was to post articles and sermons on his site,, along with videos of his dog Buster, and a bird feeder cam. David's video uploads are still available on YouTube HERE.
To ensure his thought provoking legacy is not lost I have migrated his site to one that I maintain, as I had promised him I would.
What impressed me as I transferred his articles written in the 1990's and 2000's, was how relevant they still are. So many issues he addressed we are still struggling with today. I found his perceptions keen, thoughtful, educated and sensible. It has been enlightening and reassuring to go through this process and I hope you enjoy reading his legacy as much as I have.
David's final sermon was January 16, 2014 - Dealing with Uncertainty, James 4:13-16
These are his thoughts, writings and sermons.
In the first sermon of David's that I attended, he used Star Trek to illustrate his point. I was like "This is awesome!", and he was like "I'm a great secular Pastor!" Because that's how David rolled. It was all about getting through to people.
David loved life with the joy of a child. He thrived on friendly philosophical and political discussion. David loved God, music, cars, movies, golf, the beach, technology, and his dog Buster.
We were fortunate to have time to say goodbye to David and I have never laughed so hard as we did visiting him at the hospital. He just really loved to laugh. His grace in facing his situation was was inspiring. I miss him dearly.
Part of David's love for technology was to post articles and sermons on his site,, along with videos of his dog Buster, and a bird feeder cam. David's video uploads are still available on YouTube HERE.
To ensure his thought provoking legacy is not lost I have migrated his site to one that I maintain, as I had promised him I would.
What impressed me as I transferred his articles written in the 1990's and 2000's, was how relevant they still are. So many issues he addressed we are still struggling with today. I found his perceptions keen, thoughtful, educated and sensible. It has been enlightening and reassuring to go through this process and I hope you enjoy reading his legacy as much as I have.
David's final sermon was January 16, 2014 - Dealing with Uncertainty, James 4:13-16
These are his thoughts, writings and sermons.
C. David Hess was the pastor of the West Henrietta Baptist Church in West Henrietta, NY
Click HERE for his Memorial Bulletin. In memory of C. David Hess |
Obituary |