The editorial writer asks, “Well, are you, Mr. Gore?”
The writer concludes, “Leadership requires setting an example, not just talking about one.”
In a recent book, Rev. Bob Edgars, entitles a chapter on our nation’s fight against terrorism, “We’re the Good Guys---Let’s Act Like It!” His point is that we can hardly preach against torture and human rights abuses if we employ the same tactics as those we oppose.
I must admit that as a preacher, I’m uncomfortable when anybody starts talking about practicing what you preach. The Apostle Paul was not uncomfortable about it at all. He wrote: “Join together, my friends, in following my example.” (Philippians 3:17)
Of course, there is only one instance in which the Word truly and completely became Flesh. (John 1:14)
It is truly a great thing when a preacher practices what he or she preaches. On the other hand, we would have pretty poor sermons if preachers preached only what they practiced.
Please have mercy on us preachers! May all of us preachers and hearers of the word become doers of the word!
©2007 C. David Hess