A Prayer for those in P.C. Peril
O Lord, who dost order all things, even that which existeth on a silicon chip: Hear our prayer for those in peril due to the mysterious and demonic inner workings of a personal computer. Save, we pray Thee, thy servant Robert from the ravages not only of architectural despair but also of sensing what a modern psalmist might describe as being broken like a potsherd or lost computer program.
Give to him, Lord, a sense of calm presence, knowing that he has been shown by thy most benevolent hand the way of all flesh and data, that he may rejoice at this vision, also knowing that at the last day, when he sits at thy feet for the time of judgment, the terror of thy wrath will suddenly be transformed to his mirth at the sight of thy divine index finger pushing the "delete" button on the file of his sins; that there being no record of fault he may then go from strength to strength in the life of perfect service and freedom in thy heavenly kingdom, where there is no pain nor grief and all the computers work.
We ask this--with "full justification" (because our software allows for it), in thy most gracious Name. Amen.